uniFLOW Solutions

One Platform for all your Print, Scan and

Device Management uniFLOW Samafitro

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Gain Control of Office Printing and profit from Document
Scanning Workflows with just one Platform

uniFLOW provides a single modular system which comprises office printing, document scanning, mobile printing, device management and production printing. This means, there is only one system the business administrator needs to learn and support. All users, groups, rules, security permissions and cost centers are managed centralized. Office and print room printing costs can be shown clearly in one report. Time spent for maintenance and backup is significantly reduced, because all print, scan and device management functions are bundled in one system.

uniFLOW Solution Office Printing

uniFLOW Solution Mobile Printing

uniFLOW Device Management

uniFLOW Solution Production Printing

“uniFLOW’s features, functions, and seamless integration within our environment easily cost-justified the solution.”
Cris Beagle, Propex Operating Company, LLC, USA

How can uniFLOW help to improve your Business?

Control and reduce Print and Copy Costs

The built-in reporting system means that printing, copying, faxing and scanning usage can be tracked and assessed so that internal costs can be charged back correctly and current usage audited.

uniFLOW icon lexible authentication mini

Increase Document Security

By allowing only authorized access to devices, uniFLOW can help keep confidential documents out of the wrong hands.

Improve Employee Productivity

Provision of mobile printing facilities allows users to print where and when needed which increases employee productivity.

Help save the Environment

uniFLOW can provide an analysis to structure an environmental printing strategy, saving valuable trees and improving environmental performance.


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Source: uniFLOW Global

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