What is SUNMI?

SUNMI is a technology company focusing on the field of intelligent business, which develops all kinds of smart business hardware devices.SUNMI is also the first enterprise to obtain two successive rounds of financing from Xiaomi Technology in the field of intelligent business.

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All in one handheld POS Barcode printer with 4G LTE NFC Wifi Android 7.1 OS
NFC technology enable you to create loyalty program for customers (opt)
Comes with Indonesian SimCard supported & many languages


Mobile Android POS terminal
Reads 1D & 2D QR code in 0.7 second. Embedded line thermal printing 58mm, print speed > 60mm/s. Use for scan code payment, order, takeaway label, dan high frequency print.

Sunmi T2 Mini

All in One Android touch terminal with built-in printer & classic appearance.
Make your sales online or offline cashless with e-cash.
The NFC module and camera, enables scanning of bar codes


Mobile terminal with thermal printing & data transfer at 4G maximum speed
With integrated camera for scanning QRcodes, Barcodes, magnetic & IC cards
Plus advanced financial level security guard

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Authorized Certificate

What does SUNMI provide?

SUNMI provides a full range of intelligent hardware solutions based on Android’s operating system for commercial applications

SUNMI Operating System

Deeply optimized & improved operating system for intelligent business scenarios

(SUNMI Cloud)

MDM platform for software developers and agent service providers, which is safe, convenient and cost free for device management.

Mi Shang platform
(SUNMI Platform)

This website provides the agent service providers with practical tools such as registration, online purchasing, sales management, online service support and so on

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